
Veronica on Cruise 在地中海考古的海上遊歷裡,  我深深迷戀上每天聆聽大海的呼吸, 隨海之韻律彈琴的奇幻日子 ... 在這入秋之際,   我將再隨豪華郵輪前行, 這一回,  將往北方駛去,  我四場船上的音樂會, 是鋼琴獨奏並與手風琴重奏, ...

Veronica on Cruise

我深深迷戀上每天聆聽大海的呼吸, 隨海之韻律彈琴的奇幻日子 ...
在這入秋之際,   我將再隨豪華郵輪前行,
這一回,  將往北方駛去, 
我四場船上的音樂會, 是鋼琴獨奏並與手風琴重奏,
為冷冽的北歐, 東歐, 與聖彼得堡譜大海上的前奏曲~

大海, 讓音樂與旅行共鳴:
秋天裡的北歐, 東歐與前俄羅斯, 
如同夏天裡的地中海般,  令人充滿異想...
再次帶著音樂去旅行,  也帶著我的日記,

維若妮卡  在前往北方的遊輪上 2006 入秋之際 on the way to Norway

PS. 親愛的朋友們, 很抱歉也許又將好一陣子不能在線上, 但我將帶回許多故事, 再慢慢寫出來...

with my diary, on cruise


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  1. Have a nice trip
    hope to see your new posting soon~ :)

  2. 鋼琴小精靈 ~ ★2006年9月3日 晚上9:23

    真的好羡慕Veronica姐姐可以邊彈琴邊環遊世界.... :x

  3. 好棒

    希望你快回來線上喔 :">

  4. 阿!又被邀請出去玩了喔~~~~
    這...海上鋼琴師似乎是個不錯的職業 :">

  5. Hello, Veronica,
    Do you like to dance?
    肚皮舞  Belly Dance 阿拉伯原名為 "Raks Sharki" 意指東方之舞,源於中東地區,最早是作為一種宗教儀式。肚皮舞特色是,隨著變化萬千的快速節奏,擺動腹部、使勁的舞動臂部、胸部,這些動作,時而優雅,時而嫵媚嬌柔,時而神秘,令人目不暇接。 This is the 3rd time I watched the professional belly dance, first time in Cairo, Egypt ; the second time at Konya and the third time in Istanbul, Turkey.  Belly Dancer invite tourist to dance with her.  同行團友 陳雅琳 陳主播大跳肚皮舞。

    全文 「肚皮舞 Belly Dance」 及 16 張照片,請連結網頁「活得精采,劉偉澍的部落格」。 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/dwsliu/   Welcome to visit myblog. Cheers.

    Yours David :) September 5, 2006

  6. 真羨幕你可以遊歷各國

  7. My dear friends, thank you so much for visiting me while I am away... the Ocean has brought me to many fascinating journeys in life. Have just left extravegant St. Petersburg, and now sailing to Poland. I have performed my 3rd concert last night which was very well received. The journey has opened my eyes again and there are many stories that I wish to share after the cruise.
    I am sorry that I cant read chinese at the computer in the ship, I will reply after I return. Thank you for visiting me~
    Love from Veronica, at Gulf of Finland, sailing to poland

  8. 好有氣質的妳耶
    我也學琴10年  都沒有妳所散發出來的氣質ㄋㄟ
    我是俗氣吧 :D

  9. 快點回來 快點回來
    我要聽妳說故事 :">

  10. 藍綠水- Passion Yu2006年9月13日 晚上10:52

    So happy to hear you say:
     I have performed my 3rd concert last night which was very well received. The journey has opened my eyes again and there are many stories that I wish to share after the cruise.
    You living in London, this summer your have a wonderful travel at the south & East Europe...now, in the autumn you are on the way travel around the north & East Europe... So colorful life, you really worth it...on the travel you enrich the cruise by your piano & charming smile...After you back to London, you share many wonderful feeling & view & knowledge & art...with all your friends.
    I like to see the world by your view...you have such pure & art eyes ... you describe the story with deep vision... I always feel so touched, so wonderful during reading your writing...
    Hope you are always fine ~~ Passion

  11. Persue Inside , Practice Always2006年9月15日 晚上8:36

    My Dearest Veronica : @};-

    I miss you so much ! I can understand your conditions that having something wrong with Chinese language system !  Please forgive me  to visit your blog and read your articles lately ,  because I have no articles or poems to share with you !    I am moved by the works written by Balzac and Flaubert in recently ,  that always make me remind of talking with you before . I realize that fighting for dreams  can,t satisfy with the situation  sometimes , according to my experience .
     So  I give my encouragement  to Little Princess !  Because he is younger than me ! The important thing is from his pure and sweet spirit such as you !
     I miss you , and Fairy Ting always ! 
                                                            Lun-lun in Kaohsiung , an evening with typhoon !

  12. 隨海之韻律彈琴的奇幻日子~~~~~是放掉止檔彈琴那一招嗎 :))
